442 research outputs found

    Una traducción inédita del Ibam forte via sacra... en el siglo XVIII: Vicente Alcoverro, traductor de Horacio

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    Este artículo nos aproxima a la figura casi desconocida del latinista Vicente Alcoverro (1733-1808). A partir de los modos de traducción de Fray Luis, Medrano y Argensola se ofrece un análisis y la transcripción que de la traducción de la sátira IX, Libro I, de Horacio realizó el autor

    Terminología y concepto de la arquitectura planiforme

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    The use of Game Theory to solve conflicts in the project management and construction industry

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    A typical construction project involves a wide range of disparate professionals, in many cases geographically distributed, working together for a relatively short period of time on the design and construction of a facility. Since organizations are becoming flatter, culturally rich, geographically diverse and intensely competitive, the possibilities for conflict in such environments are greater. Negotiation is an important aspect of a project and plays an important role in resolving claims, preventing disputes, and keeping a harmonious relationship between project participants. Part of any project manager’s role as a leader is to recognize conflict, understand the sources of conflict and manage it, and to do this a project manager must be able to understand the basics of negotiation theory and have sufficient competencies to lead in such situations. To address the complex technical and human issues in negotiation, different negotiation theories and models are available which mainly include game theory, economic theory, and behavior theory. Since Game Theory provides, by its very nature, the appropriate tools for the analysis and eventual solution of conflicts of any kind, this paper uses a model based on Game Theory in order to identify the activities that are responsible for the delays in a project and divide the costs among them

    Restructuring of the highway network and metropolization in Buenos Aires

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    El artículo analiza la asociación entre el desarrollo de la red metropolitana de autopistas de Buenos Aires y diversas facetas del proceso de metropolización, a partir de la década de 1990. Desde esa década tienen lugar importantes transformaciones en el sistema de circulación que implican cambios estructurales en la dinámica de expansión metropolitana. Uno de los objetivos del trabajo es reconstruir las características y dinámicas de la vinculación entre un modelo de movilidad, que denominamos “automóvil-intensivo”, y ciertos modelos de urbanización. Otros dos objetivos remiten a: la discusión del carácter dominante del modelo automóvil-intensivo y la consiguiente subordinación de otras movilidades, y a una presentación inicial de la idea de “apropiación de accesibilidad”, resultante de la ampliación de la red de autopistas. El trabajo articula el análisis a escala metropolitana con estudios de caso en el Acceso Norte, la Autovía 6 y la Autopista Pilar-Pergamino.ENG: The article examines the relationship between the development of the metropolitan highway network of Buenos Aires and different aspects of the metropolization process starting in the 1990's. Since then there are significant changes in the transportation system involving structural changes in the dynamics of metropolitan expansion. One of the purposes of this study is to recompose the characteristics and dynamics of the relationship between a mobility model, introduced as "automobile-intensive", and certain urbanization models. Two other goals refer to: the discussion of the dominant character of the automobile-intensive model and the consequent subordination of other mobilities, and an introduction to the idea of "appropriation of accessibility" derived from the expansion of the metropolitan highway network. This paper articulates the metropolitan scale analysis with case studies on the North Access Highway of Buenos Aires, Provincial Highway 6 and the project of Pilar-Pergamino Highway.Peer Reviewe

    The value of an autograph testimony: Leonardo Bruni’s latin version of "Ethics to Nicomachus" in the manuscript XXV F 10 from the Biblioteca Comunale Santa Maria Nuova at Monreale

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    En este trabajo se pretende mostrar la importancia del manuscrito XXV F 10 de la Biblioteca Comunale Santa Maria la Nuova de Monreale que contiene la traducción de la Ética a Nicómaco realizada por Leonardo Bruni con una subscripción y correcciones autógrafas. Se ofrece una descripción codicológica completa del manuscrito, un análisis de la copia, de la decoración y de los distintos tipos de intervención del autor.In this paper we discuss the importance of the manuscript XXV F 10 that is in the Biblioteca Comunale Santa Maria la Nuova in Monreale. In this manuscript it is contained the translation of the Ethics to Nicomachus that was made by Leonardo Bruni; moreover, there is an autograph annotation and corrections. We present a complete codicological description of manuscript, an analisys of the copy and decoration, and the difference ways of author’s intervention

    An integer linear programming model including time, cost, quality, and safety

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    Time, cost, quality and safety, are the four critical elements that contribute to project success. Traditionally, literature has focused on analysing only time and cost. Subsequently, other multi-objective optimization methods developed to optimize time, cost, quality or safety have been developed. New types of contracting methods designed by governments, included maximizing construction quality while minimizing its time and cost. Recently, due to the fact that the construction industry suffers from more accidents of greater severity than other industrial sectors, safety has become one of the four critical elements that contribute to project success. The project scheduling literature largely concentrates on the generation of a precedence and resource feasible schedule that optimizes the scheduling objective and that should serve as a baseline schedule for executing the project. However, these models do not allow to analyse alternative work plans that consider the trade-offs between time, cost, quality, and safety. In this paper, an integer linear programming problem is applied to a decision-CPM network in order to obtain an overall optimum including time, cost, quality and safety in a road building project. Using this type of model, the effects of alternative methods of performing the tasks can be considered and a greater degree of interaction between the planning and scheduling phases of a project is obtained

    La teoría educacional de Karl Mannheim

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    Karl Mannheim pertenece al grupo de sociólogos que han incursionado en el estudio de los problemas educativos. Evidentemente, Mannheim no es lo que hoy denominaríamos «un experto en educación pero tampoco se ha propuesto llegar a serlo. Incursiona más bien en el campo de la teoría general educativa, y lo hace desde un punto de vista que es común a cuantos sociólogos aplican como él las doctrinas sociológicas a los temas de la educación. Esta apreciación no pretende disminuir en nada su poderosa y penetrante originalidad, avalada con una amplitud de conocimientos nada común. Solamente se delimita el campo doctrinal dentro del que formula su teoría

    El barroco virreinal peruano en el III Congreso Internacional (Sevilla- octubre del 2001)

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    Balance de las aportaciones al arte peruano en el III Congreso Internacional de Barroco Iberoamericano.----------------------------------------------------------------------A review of Peruvian Art as presented in 3rd Internacional Conference of Iberoamerican Baroque.Artículo revisado por pare